(Curcuma aromatica)

Turmeric was known as Indian saffron in medieval Europe. It is widespread in the countries of the East, and from the beginning of our era to the present day, it continues to gain popularity in European countries. In the XVI-XVII centuries in Western Europe, turmeric called "terra merita", which means "worthy land". It was only in the middle of the eighteenth century that it acquired its current name, turmeric.

These are perennial herbs, whose stems and roots make essential oils and yellow dyes. It is from the rhizome that the world-famous seasoning is extracted.
Turmeric contains large amounts of healing antioxidants and vitamins.
It contains a massive amount of vitamins C, E, and K. As you know, vitamin K has a pronounced hemostatic effect, an essential vitamin for the cardiovascular system. Moreover, vitamin K is a stimulator of the formation of the most critical antioxidant in the body – glutathione, which primarily protects the immune system by activating and controlling all antioxidant processes in the body.

Turmeric has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, improves brain function, and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. Many studies have shown that curcumin successfully inhibits the formation and growth of tumors. Turmeric can be used to prevent Alzheimer's disease, helps with arthritis and depression, and slows down the aging process in the body.

We also add black pepper to our turmeric and ginger boosters because curcumin is poorly absorbed into the bloodstream, but piperine, which is contained in black pepper, helps to absorb it.

Interesting fact: turmeric is very common in Ayurvedic practices. It is believed that turmeric gives prosperity because it endows the energy of the Divine Mother. This plant can clean the energy body channels, so adherents of oriental medicine recommend its use to cleanse the chakras.
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