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(Moringa oleifera)
Everything in moringa is useful – leaves, seeds, flowers, bark, branches, and even roots contain helpful substances. It is eaten and is the basis of medicines in folk medicine, especially in Asia and Africa. Imagine how healthy and nutritious moringa is if all its components are suitable for human consumption. Scientists believe that this tree is a potential solution to world hunger.

Moringa is ahead of other plants in terms of nutrient composition. For example, it contains seven times more vitamin C than an orange, 15 times more potassium than bananas, and 25 times more iron than spinach. Moringa is also high in fiber and vegetable protein.

Due to its low-calorie content, everyone can consume moringa in a diet. According to research, the product is very rich in amino acids. The flowers contain 31% of them, the pods – 30%, and the leaves – 44%.

We use moringa leaves because they contain the most considerable amount of antioxidants that have anti-inflammatory properties and slow aging. Moringa is also a natural antidepressant and tonic plant.

An interesting fact: moringa contains a huge amount of calcium, even more than regular milk. Scientists worldwide are already conducting research and will use it to create an alternative milk of the future that will not be inferior to regular milk.
Suitable for the diet of the future:
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